2) How does Apparition represent particular social groups
Appaition portrays the social group of youth as easily distracted and are easily startled. One scene where this is shown is when Craig walks from the kitchen into the living room, he hears a knocking above him and we see him jump back in shock and disbelief. We portrayed this social group in this way because it allowed there to be a shift in power which allowed use of higher camera angles, this managed to generate suspense which kept the veiwer on the edge of their seat.
Another film that gives a representation of the youth social group is Back To The Future Part III. Marty Mcfly played by Michael J. Fox represents the Youth social group as quick thinking, intelligent to some extent but needs the assistance of others in times of a crisis. This representation is very different to how we represent this social group. e.g. We portray this group as easily scared whereas in Back To The Future this group is portrayed as somewhat brave but in tough situations will tend to run and hide.
One real person that represents the social group of youth is Oliver Gibbs. He portrays the youth social group as hard working and well educated, this opposes the natural stereotype of the youth social group. This person does follow some of the characteristics of our portrayal of the youth social group e.g. can be frightened if caught by suprise. This representation of the youth social group is also quite similar to that portrayed in by Marty in Back To The Future, this is because they both seem to know what to do in bad situations.
3) IMDB Page
After alot of careful thought i decided that Warner Brothers Entertainment Incoporated would be most likely to distribute the film. This is because they have distributed films like Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter and Apparition is aimed at a similar audience so a distribution company with a reputation of distributing Thriller and science fiction film's would be an ideal distribution company.
5 ) How did you attract your audience
We attracted our audience by issuing a trailer that would be shown between the hours of 5pm and 8pm on Television as well as advertising it online with the same advert. The advert would question the veiwers existing knowledge of thriller films by suggesting to them that they have not seen anything like it before and stating that they will never see anything like it again.
6)What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
I have learnt how to use FL Studio and Garageband to create soundtracks. I have learnt the best camera angles to use when trying to create a suspensefull atmosphere through the use of canted angles.
screenshots of us using editing software and equiptment.
One thing i learnt about cameras is how effective camera angles can be on the audience. This camera allowed us to shoot in high definition which made the opening sequence seem profesional. One drawback is that it is quite complicated if you don't know how to use the camera and if you shoot in the wrong format or aspect ratio it could ruin the entire film.
One thing that i learnt about Sony Vegas Studios is how to fade the audio in and out and how to use it in general. Since i usually use Windows Live Movie Maker i had to learn most of the features of this software from the start. This software allowed us to make a profesional looking movie by using the effects. One disadvantage is that you have to learn how to use it like all software, which could take a long time
-The company logo animation looks very professional
-first establishing shot looks very professional
-The music really sets the atmosphere and it goes with the timing of the clip where the character is revealed.
-I really like the scene where the camera shows the empty grave and then tracks behind a tree to reveal the character standing over the grave.I also like how you've panned behind him making it look like a point of view shot as if someone is watching him.
-theres a shot where hes kneeling down to put some flowers on the grave where it jump cuts to a shot from over his shoulder where i think the scene would look better without this shot.
I personally had the problem of being the least available during the week. This meant that I wasn't able to go and help with the shooting of the first part of the sequence. I also had to take time off from a lesson to go and shoot for the other part of the sequence. The travelling to the locations themselves also took a lot of planning and certain back-up travel arrangements had to be made. The co-operation and separation into our individual roles in the production was a small challenge at first but was soon overcome. Because of time and unavailability, lots of work had to be done elsewhere and we had to rely on each other to get certain things done as a group. We did however all pull together as a group and get the work done, quickly and efficiently.
One of the biggest problems was getting everyone in the camera shot that gave the right effect to the audience. One example is when Craig is acting in the scene and Addam appears. Another challenge of shooting Apparition was agreeing on the camera shots. One example of this was in the graveyard scene, i thought that a 5 second concentrated shot on the flowers then a slow fade into the home scene would be appropriate and effective, however my colleagues adapted a different camera shot. They had a shot of Addam placing the flowers on the grave and walking out into the distance. This concentrates the camera on the man and not on the flowers which gives a similar effect.
The biggest problem was finding times when we are all there to shoot - there were a lot of times when only three of us could make it.
The other big challenge was getting there and back because we all live so far apart, which rules out shooting on weekends.
Personally with shooting our project I found that providing locations was an easy task as we only needed two locations which were easy to gain permission. One huge challenge I think affects all of us is the time we can actually shoot this project as everyone has such difficult timetables and days where we all need to be at a location some of us cannot make it. Travel arrangements was another challenge which we occurred as being in one place at a single time for everyone to be together and also to get someone to take us to a location was quite stressful. Together we have managed to overcome these problems just in time and should be able to produce some great work.
Augustus Harper begins appearing for Dave Jones, Patricia Smith, Sunny Day and Michael Smelton, the only thing connecting them being the death of the bus driver Pepe Rodriguez (who is believed to have fallen asleep at the wheel). Harper tells the characters that he died in the bus crash, but this is not true.
Michael Smelton is investigating the death of Rodriguez, believing he was murdered. He is helped with the case by Augustus Harper, and eventually finds the killer. Sunny Day over comes her drug addiction and Patricia Smith deals with her depression. Dave Jones helps to mend his parents’ relationship.
At the end of the film, Augustus Harper asks Michael Smelton to look at the Rodriguez case files again. He sees his name listed, as well as Dave Jones, Patricia Smith and Sunny Day in the list of crash casualties. Augustus Harper is not listed.
Our target audience is anyone over the age of 12, as this is what we would aim to get as an age rating for our film, but our target audience is really young people (15 - 25) who enjoy watching thriller films. I believe that thriller as a film genre is quite specific, in the sense that thriller movies can't be enjoyed by everyone - therefore they don't tend to have as wide a target audience.
How are we going to market our film?
We would market our film with promotional posters, trailers, and teaser trailers.
Wednesday 29th February - Filming Graveyard scene
Monday 27th February - Sound and Blog posts (logo blog post, imdb analysis)
Friday 24th February - Editing and arranging transport for Wednesday
Wednesday 22nd February- Filming the house scene
Tuesday 21st February - Arranging Transport for house shoot
Monday 20th February - Blog Posts (Shooting Schedule)
Friday 17th February - Garageband
Tuesday 14th February- Initial Gargeband testing/initial planning of filming location.
Friday 10th February - Blog Post. Writing Shot List
Tuesday 7th February - Editing the test shot.
Monday 6th February - Arranging Test shot and filming test shot.
Friday 3rd February - Blog posts (Conventions and camera shot examples, storyboard, different thriller titles)
Tuesday 31st January - Initial rough Apparition test shoot and initial thriller ideas.
Monday 30th January - Blog Posts. Logo designs.
Tuesday 24th January - 20th January - Blog Posts. Opening Sequence analysis'.
17th January - 14th January - Blog posts. Conventions posts.
January 6th - Thriller preliminary Task.